Happy to be a stay at home mommy

>> Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sometimes we must face a hard decision, like to be a stay at home moms, leaving the workforce office, friends behind. As you make the transition, learn to accept that there is no pre-determined deadline to adapt to being at home, nor is there a blueprint for how you should feel. Recognize that if you don't enjoy being home 24/7 it doesn't mean you're a bad mother or that you don't love your child "enough." Instead, work with your partner to make realistic adjustments in your lives so you'll feel more authentic to your identity and more fulfilled in your new role. In the process you'll give your children, your spouse and yourself one of the finest gifts – your contentment.

Being a stay at home mom is not a bad thing. Stop feeling like our lives may be lacking something if we are not immersed in a career- what about being immersed in our children and being immersed in helping shape them into productive. Our kids need us, not a daycare.You can find fulfillment in meeting your families needs, having time for hobbies, being there for your kids etc. Society has taught us we "need" something beyond our home and family to make us complete.

But I also believe that stay-at-home parents need to continue to challenge themselves with activities that are outside the realm of their jobs as Moms. It's important for stay-at-home parents to have something that is theirs alone to cultivate and keep their minds sharp while helping them remember that they can continue to grow as people (not just as parents)and be as multi-facted as they'd like to be. ENJOY YOUR TIMES MOMS


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