Will I lose my best friend?

>> Saturday, September 5, 2009

We always need friend in life, and then we finally found our best friend, when we met someone who care, understand and accept us with sincere feeling, no matter with many of our weakness.
That's happen on me, I found 2 best friend in life, I share manything wit them laugh together, support each other ang give care to them. But today... I just feel I finally will lose one of them, honestly feeling break up inside.

A friend that I met here, when we are come to this country as foreigner, not much friend we have. Even we seldom meet physically but we talked a lot through net. Twice a day we said hi, talked about manything, shared joked, and when one of us got in to problem, we supported each other. But there is time to meet, there is time to say good bye. Finally my friend complete study and go back to the country origin. My Friend promise me nothing will change, will always contact me everday even a few minutes.

That time i believe, after went back for a month I still receive mail or chat at least once a day, even only 15-20 minutes. Then the following month it reduces once on 2-3 days. I tried to sent short message by mail, but sometimes i got no reply. And lately not on 2-3 days but 4 days with only words "hi, how r u, hope everything ok with u", no personal and freindly message anymore.
Become worst the last month that contact me only twice, no mail reply.

Could someone change easily? Many memories gone, and pretend nothing happen. I feel it will be hard to have a best friend again, if then will end up just like that. I thought I never change still the same, never judge my friend, even when I sent mail without reply, i try to use cherish words. I pretend nothing happen between us, but this I got. Will I lose my best friend?


Siddhartha September 13, 2009 at 3:07 AM  

I feel for you. You have a great heart that's why you are caring that much. I do not know what has really happened. But it is hard to believe that someone might have changed so quickly.

Anyway, please move on. This world needs people like you.

Tetcha October 12, 2009 at 12:15 PM  

Perhaps, your friend is just busy. That doesn't mean, however, that you've already lost your best friend.

Anonymous January 25, 2010 at 6:36 PM  

Don't stop posting such articles. I love to read articles like this. Just add some pics :)

Bridal Cars Manila March 29, 2012 at 11:05 AM  

Don't lose hope !!

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