Happy Mothers Day

>> Friday, May 8, 2009

Mom... how I miss you now
Since I was here thousand miles away
I cant see your smile
only can hear your voice
it make me miss u so much always

Sometimes I just want to back
at the time I was a child
always saw you around
can touched and hold you always
when I was in tear

Mom.... I love you so much
I was lucky have you as my mom
and I always proud of you mom

To all moms in the world... Happy Mothers day .. always share love for every kid in the world and make them become a warm heart person.. make the world in peace always..


Lyla May 9, 2009 at 12:42 AM  

happy mother day ya jeng...

Anonymous May 9, 2009 at 4:07 AM  

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm not a mother myself, but would appreciate your kindness... lend a hand, make a friend!

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